Wenn unsere Welt zusammenbricht, müssen wir alle damit kämpfen, uns an die neue Realität zu gewöhnen. Manche flüchten sich in fantastische Traumwelten, um die Monotonie ihrer furchtbaren Routine zu bewältigen. Andere schließen sich mit befreundeten Überlebenskünstler*innen zusammen, in der Hoffnung, dieses nie Dagewesene zu verstehen – obwohl sie es eigentlich besser wissen müssten. Wir suchen nach Nähe und Innigkeit im Angesicht von Verlust oder sogar nach dem Tod, was das Liebesleben deutlich komplizierter macht. Ohne die Tatsachen der Gegebenheiten akzeptieren zu wollen, hinterfragen wir unser eigenes Ich und könnten sogar die Freiheit erlangen, die Wahrheit über uns selbst zu akzeptieren. Die Zukunft war noch nie so ungewiss, aber SLASH wird euch helfen, euer bestes Leben (nach dem Tod) zu zelebrieren – versprochen!
GIRL WITH A THERMAL GUN Rongfei Guo | CN 2020 | 12′
During the pandemic, a grocery delivery man is busier than ever. Day in and day out, he performs the same menial tasks. Loneliness and despair start to wash over him until he suddenly finds a thermal gun pressed to his forehead and lets fantasy take over.
Carlos Gómez-Trigo | ES 2020 | 6′
Natural selection says that only those who adapt will survive. What if humans have become stupid?
T’es morte Hélène
Michiel Blanchart | FR/BE 2021 | 24′
Maxime, a young man in search of stability, is literally haunted by the ghost of his girlfriend Hélène, who died recently. Wishing to put an end to this unbearable situation, Maxime finally decides to break with her. But Hélène does not seem ready to accept this decision …
De Huwelijksreis
Nico van den Brink | NL 2020 | 11′
Thirtysomething Nora has had a rough year. The situation is not getting better when she keeps meeting the same guy over and over.
Bára Anna Stejskalova | CZ 2020 | 11′
A tender story about a parasite living in a dog’s corpse. In the ugly world of a landfill, he searches for love and a soulmate amid utter decay.
Sunitha Sangaré | CH 2020 | 8′
A father struggles to accept his daughter’s gradual metamorphosis. On the run from strange forest creatures with whom she has more in common with each passing day, the father has to learn that letting go can be an act of love.
Janis Joy Epping, Diana van Houten,
Yngwie Boley | NL/BE 2020 | 10′
A dangerous intruder gives Pilar the chance to discover the wild animal within and the means to escape the post-apocalyptic village she lives in.
Michael Shumway | US 2020 | 16′
A farmer wakes up one morning to an unexpected apocalypse. As the last man alive, he decides to throw caution to the wind and start living his very best life.