After Blue
Paradis sale | Bertrand Mandico | FR 2021 | 130 Min
Auf einem Planeten, auf dem nur Frauen überleben können, entdeckt die junge Roxy eine bis zum Kopf im Sand steckende Verbrecherin namens Kate Bush (!) und gräbt sie aus. Die Befreite macht sich mordend auf die Flucht. Roxy wird von der Gemeinschaft aufgetragen, sie gemeinsam mit ihrer Mutter Zora aufzufinden und einzufangen. Ausnahmeregisseur Bertrand Mandico entwirft in seinem zweiten Langfilm eine mit allen Stilmitteln des Kinos heraufbeschworene, hypersinnliche Retrofuturistik, so epigonal wie originär, die in ihrer eigenen Raumzeit glitzert und schimmert und atmet und den Weg leuchtet Richtung Zukunft (des Kinos).
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Bertrand Mandico
Mandico, Bertrand graduated from CFT Gobelins in Paris and holds a diploma in animation film. He outlined his filmmaking objectives in the Incoherence Manifesto, which he authored together with Katrin Olafsdottir. Constantly reinterpreting genres, he has made a string of shorts, including Boro in the Box, which was presented in Cannes. His feature-length debut was the cinematic gem The Wild Boys (2017, SLASH einhalb 2018), which, like his second feature After Blue, starred Elina Löwensohn. Together with her, he is also working on 20+1 Projections, a project that is set to consist of 21 short films over 21 years.
Mandico, Bertrand graduated from CFT Gobelins in Paris and holds a diploma in animation film. He outlined his filmmaking objectives in the Incoherence Manifesto, which he authored together with Katrin Olafsdottir. Constantly reinterpreting genres, he has made a string of shorts, including Boro in the Box, which was presented in Cannes. His feature-length debut was the cinematic gem The Wild Boys (2017, SLASH einhalb 2018), which, like his second feature After Blue, starred Elina Löwensohn. Together with her, he is also working on 20+1 Projections, a project that is set to consist of 21 short films over 21 years.