Hunter Hunter
Hunter Hunter | Shawn Linden | CA/US 2020 | 93 Min

Eine kanadische, aus der Zeit gefallene Trapperfamilie bemerkt die Rückkehr eines besonders gefürchteten Wolfs in ihre Jagdgründe. Doch nachdem Vater Joseph mehrere verstümmelte Leichen im Wald entdeckt, hegt er Zweifel daran, dass ein Tier dafür verantwortlich ist. Hunter Hunter ist ein hochkonzentriert und druckvoll inszeniertes Katz-und-Maus (oder besser: Mensch-und-Wolf)-Spiel, bei dem zweitgereihte Schauspieler wie Devon Sawa oder Nick Stahl zu großer Form auflaufen dürfen. Das unvergessliche Finale allerdings gehört Hauptdarstellerin Camille Sullivan und wird wohl einer der großen Talking Points des heurigen Festivals werden.
Shawn Linden
Linden, Shawn wrote his first optioned screenplay in 1999 when he was still in school. Born and raised in Winnipeg, Canada, he began his career in film in the art department. He has written more than thirty produced scripts for film and TV. Hunter Hunter is his third feature, preceded by the thrillers Nobody (2007) and The Good Lie (2012).
Linden, Shawn wrote his first optioned screenplay in 1999 when he was still in school. Born and raised in Winnipeg, Canada, he began his career in film in the art department. He has written more than thirty produced scripts for film and TV. Hunter Hunter is his third feature, preceded by the thrillers Nobody (2007) and The Good Lie (2012).