Sukkubus - den Teufel im Leib | Georg Tressler | DE 1989 | 80 Min
| 35mm

Anti-Heimat-Film goes Genre-Kracher. Folk-Horror goes Alpenland. Drei nicht ganz so alte weiße Alm-Öhis gehen für lange Monate der Isolation Kuhhüten auf die Schweizer Berg’. Doch die Nächte sind lang, die sexuelle Notdurft lastet schwer: Als sie sich eine Vögelpuppe aus Stroh und knorrigem Holz basteln, erwacht diese zum Weibsteufel, zur letalen Lilith, um den stumpfen Stechern zu zeigen, wohin Frau Bartl ihr Messer hängt. Eine komplett versprengte Perle des Austrian Pulp, das finale Werk des Wiener Regie-Großmeisters Tressler (Die Halbstarken, Das Totenschiff). Und die einzig gelungene Adaption der Sennentuntschi-Sage. Rape´n´Revenge never felt this fantastic! (Paul Poet)
In Anwesenheit von Peter Simonischek
Georg Tressler
Tressler, Georg (* 1917, † 2007) had his first big hit with the 1956 film Die Halbstarken, which depicted a rebellious youth and starred Horst Buchholz, as did The Naked and the Brave, Tressler’s 1959 success. Failing to establish himself in Hollywood, his career began to shift to television in the 1960. He directed numerous telefilms and series episodes, but also the occasional movie, such as the Austrian 70s sexploitation film Die Kleine mit dem süßen Po or his final theatrical outing, Sukkubus.
Tressler, Georg (* 1917, † 2007) had his first big hit with the 1956 film Die Halbstarken, which depicted a rebellious youth and starred Horst Buchholz, as did The Naked and the Brave, Tressler’s 1959 success. Failing to establish himself in Hollywood, his career began to shift to television in the 1960. He directed numerous telefilms and series episodes, but also the occasional movie, such as the Austrian 70s sexploitation film Die Kleine mit dem süßen Po or his final theatrical outing, Sukkubus.